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Now that my son is over a year old and we’ve enjoyed several day trips together throughout his first year, here is what I learned so far. Check out these infant friendly day trip travel tips! These are perfect if you and your family are interested in exploring nearby where you live.
Start Small
My first infant friendly travel tip is to start small and local to test the waters. This is especially important if your baby has not spent much time in the car seat traveling long distances. Additionally, being somewhat near home is a blessing in case baby has an off day and decides to test you.
Our first couple trips were to watch the waves of Lake Michigan from the safety of our car. Then we ventured out on walks in nearby towns and parks. Finally, we all felt comfortable enough to travel a couple hours away. If you are from the Grand Rapids or nearby lakeshore area, some of my first blog posts are also some of my son’s first day trips. I recommend checking out my day trip to Montague and Whitehall or taking this self guided tour of downtown Muskegon.
Better to Overpack
Because it is a day trip, it is better to overpack than under-pack. Since you are more than likely visiting a site by car (or suv or truck or van), you can be liberal with what you pack for your baby. Have enough diapers? Potential change(s) of baby clothes? Toys to keep baby entertained on the road? Over time, you’ll start to lessen the load as you learn baby’s on-the-road travel personality.
Here are some of my top recommendations of toys to keep baby entertained while on the road. These are what worked for us!
Pack the Car the Night Before

Pack the car as much as you can the evening before! This allows for a smoother morning because remembering the stroller, baby carrier (we call them kangaroo’s), bumbo seat, diaper bag and all its contents….. the morning of is exhausting! And you haven’t even left your garage!
These are our favorite large items we always carry on our day trips:
Give Yourself Extra Time

Allow “wiggle room” in your schedule if you’ve committed yourself to a timed activity. Due to COVID, many traditionally crowded places like zoos, chartered boat rides, and water parks are open but require tickets purchased online for a designated time. It is best to leave early to account for any “surprises” such as needing to pull off the highway to change a diaper surprise.
Here’s what we carry to make on the go diaper changes quick and simple:
Plan Around Nap Time
Try to head out on your trip during baby’s first nap to make the car ride much easier. Props to you if you are able to time baby’s second (or third) nap to being on the car ride home!
Make sure to take lots of cute photos together and remember to enjoy your time with them! They may not remember the adventure, but you always will!
Do you have any infant friendly day trip travel tips? What is helpful for you when traveling with baby?
from Michigan with Love,